Next Generation Firm

Is your firm fit for the future?

Is your firm ready for the challenge?

This course is designed to bring together your senior management and junior lawyers in an innovative training format.

It aims to unlock your growth potential by bridging the gap between your vision for the future of your firm and the people who can deliver if for you.

What you will learn

  • Communication

    Why the wrong fuel can stall your car?

    Understanding that flexible communication is the key to transporting good ideas.

  • Diversity

    Why rainbows spill gold!

    Acknowledging that we all work in different ways and have different skills but together we are creative and innovative.

  • Wellbeing

    Why zebras don’t get ulcers!

    Identifying chemical release in the work place and how this impacts on performance and wellbeing.

  • Leadership

    Why penguins make astonishing parents!

    Prioritising others ahead of yourself in the best interests of the firm

  • Productivity

    Why a diamond is so valuable!

    Examining multi faceted teams and understanding that output can be measured in a variety of ways.

  • Sector Working

    Why gazelles graze in herds!

    Identifying the importance of cross sector working and how this creates a supportive working environment.

Request for course information

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us by completing the form below.

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Our Why

We know that even subtle shifts in culture and behaviour can have a huge impact on the bottom line. 

We have a passion for empowering people at all levels of an organisation to engage and communicate more effectively reducing stress and making people more effective.

We know that understanding and valuing the human drivers behind a business, results in a happier healthier more productive and ultimately more profitable organisation.
